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Regular Patent Application

A Regular Patent Application, also known as a non-provisional patent application, is the formal document filed with the relevant patent office that initiates the examination process. This application includes all the details necessary to protect your invention and is the step that turns your “patent pending” status into actual patent protection. It is a critical part of securing exclusive rights to your invention, preventing others from using, selling, or manufacturing your invention without your permission.

Important Points about Regular Patent Applications

  • Formal Protection:
    A regular patent application is the formal and complete application that results in the examination of your invention by the patent office. Once granted, it provides exclusive rights to the invention.

  • Detailed Documentation Required:
    Unlike a provisional patent application, a regular patent application must include a complete description of the invention, formal patent claims, abstract, and detailed drawings or diagrams that clearly explain how the invention works.

  • Examination Process:
    After filing, the patent office examines the application to ensure that it meets the legal requirements of patentability—novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. This process can take several years depending on the jurisdiction.

  • No “Patent Pending”:
    Unlike provisional patent applications, which allow you to use the “patent pending” status, a regular patent application must be filed and processed before you can refer to your invention as being under patent protection.

  • Filing Fees:
    Regular patent applications require a filing fee, which varies by jurisdiction and the size of the entity filing. These fees typically include an initial application fee, search fee, and examination fee.

How to File a Regular Patent Application

  1. Prepare a Detailed Description:
    Prepare a complete and thorough description of your invention, including its purpose, components, and how it works. This should include any variations or embodiments of the invention.

  2. Patent Claims:
    Patent claims are one of the most important parts of a regular patent application. They define the scope of protection for your invention. Claims must be clear and precise to ensure that the patent will provide adequate protection.

  3. Drawings and Diagrams:
    Include clear and detailed drawings or diagrams that visually explain the invention. These should adhere to the guidelines of the relevant patent office and may include flowcharts, sketches, or blueprints.

  4. File the Application:
    Submit the application to the relevant patent office, such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or the European Patent Office (EPO). Many patent offices allow you to file applications online.

  5. Pay the Filing Fees:
    Ensure the necessary filing fees are paid to complete the submission. Fees vary based on factors like the number of claims and the type of entity (individual or corporate).

Benefits of a Regular Patent Application

Exclusive Right

Once granted, a patent gives the inventor exclusive rights to the invention, meaning no one else can make, use, sell, or distribute the patented invention without permission

Legal Protection

A regular patent application provides legal protection against infringement, and the patent owner can take legal action if someone uses their invention without consent.

Increased Marketability

Having a granted patent can increase the marketability of the invention, attract investors, and potentially lead to licensing or selling the patent rights for financial gain.

Patent Term

A granted patent offers protection for a specific term, usually 20 years from the filing date, during which the patent holder has exclusive rights.

Documents Required for a Regular Patent Application

  1. Patent Application Form:
    The official form required by the patent office to initiate the application process.
  2. Detailed Description:
    A thorough description of the invention, its features, benefits, and how it works.
  3. Patent Claims:
    A set of claims defining the scope of the patent protection.
  4. Drawings or Diagrams:
    Visual representations of the invention to aid in understanding its functionality and design.
  5. Abstract:
    A brief summary of the invention, typically no more than 150 words.
  6. Filing Fee Payment:
    Payment of the applicable filing fees, which can vary based on the number of claims and the type of applicant.

Deliverables of Regular Patent Application

  1. Filing Confirmation:
    After submitting your application, you will receive confirmation from the patent office, including your filing number and date.

  2. Examination Report:
    The patent office will issue an examination report that provides feedback on the patentability of your invention. This may include objections or requests for amendments to the application.

  3. Grant of Patent:
    If your application is accepted and passes examination, you will receive a granted patent, officially recognizing your exclusive rights.

  4. Legal Protection:
    A granted patent provides you with legal protection against infringement, ensuring that no one else can use your invention without your permission

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Frequently asked Questions

A provisional patent application is a preliminary filing that secures an early filing date, while a regular patent application is a complete and formal filing that is examined and can lead to the grant of a patent.

  • The process can take several years, depending on the jurisdiction, complexity of the invention, and any objections raised during the examination.


Yes, you can amend your application during the examination process if required by the patent office. However, any amendments must be within the scope of the original application.

While it is not mandatory, it is highly recommended to consult with a patent attorney to ensure that the application is filed correctly and that the claims are robust and clear.

If your application is rejected, you will be notified and can amend the application or appeal the decision. You can also file a new application with improvements.

A granted patent is typically valid for 20 years from the filing date, after which the invention enters the public domain.

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