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Business Registration

One Person Company (OPC)

A business structure that allows a single individual to operate a company with limited liability, combining the benefits of a sole proprietorship and a private limited company.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

A hybrid business structure that combines the advantages of a partnership and a corporation, providing limited liability to its partners while allowing flexible management.

Provisional Patent Application

A temporary patent filing that allows inventors to secure a filing date while giving them 12 months to file a complete application. It establishes priority for the invention while more detailed development continues.

Respond to TM Objection

The process of addressing objections raised by the trademark office when applying for a trademark, which could include issues such as similarity with existing trademarks, lack of distinctiveness, or incorrect application.

Partnership Firm

A business structure where two or more individuals come together to manage and operate a business, sharing profits, losses, and liabilities as per the partnership agreement.

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